Guide on the internship agreement

To create your internship agreement on your intranet AIMAIRA, simply follow these steps.

To access your INTRANET, please click on the following link:

Note: You can find your username and password in the email you previously received from the mailbox: (If you have trouble finding the email, please contact us at for assistance)

Step 1: Gathering the necessary information

Please refer to the attached file to familiarize yourself with the information you need to obtain from your company in order to complete it on your intranet space.

Step 2: Log in to your intranet and create your internship agreement

Start by clicking on the "mes periodes en entreprises" section and then click on "add an agreement". Choose the type of agreement as "internship agreement" and proceed.

Next, select the type of agreement as "convention de stage" and click on the "validate" button.

Step 3: Enter the information provided by your company and complete the agreement section by section, saving as you go.

Step 4: Generating the information sheet

After adding all the required information, you can generate a PDF file that includes pre-filled elements. This file serves as an information sheet, providing all the necessary details for your internship agreement.

Step 5: Document to be signed by the company AND the student (you)

Step 6: Upload the signed document by both the company AND the student (you)

Step 7: Send the completed agreement to your school for validation on their end.

Once all parties have signed the agreement, you will receive a PDF version of your agreement via email. This PDF will include the signatures of all parties involved.

If you encounter any issues while using the platform, please open a ticket by sending us an email at